Saturday, November 17, 2012

Why We Should Euthanize John Best Junior

Many people frown on euthanasia. One should be allowed to live for as long as possible no matter what.

And yet when an animal is in pain, we take the opposite attitude.

I think JB is in pain. I saw a video awhile ago that made the point that John has rotting teeth. That has to be painful. He is also in pain over his son being Autistic. It's an explanation for his unbridled hostility towards Autism. There's only one way to put him out of his misery. He'll never see his son as what he wants and he can't take it.

I could also take the other option, and describe JB as an animal. The kindest thing to do is put the animal down.

1 comment:

  1. I think John is sinking into dementia. See my latest blog entry for why.
