But if he really wants to be President, he's going to have to be a whole lot more serious about promotion than he has been. Relying totally on the Internet is just plain dumb.
But to be a good president, you have to have a good set of morals. You don't have to be perfect of course (ask President Nixon). As long as you are essentially a good person. This is a test that JB fails.
A key plank of JB's platform is "Free Homes for All". Phil Gluyas has done a commentary on this on his website and he says;
"So who would pay to build them, idiot? A home is not a right. It's a privilege only available to those who work for it. That's always been the way and it always will be."
In order to pay for this platform, JB would have to raise taxes and raise them by loads. But he won't say that now will he?
Another key plank is "Take control of all media". Phil rightly identifies this as Soviet policy, and combined with the rise in taxes this would make JB something of a communist even though taxes aren't a part of such a doctrine. A similar thought pattern would arise from the policy of "Ban all corporations". Phil asks who would employ people then, and I answer that there could only be one employer. The government. That again is Soviet policy.
Then of course there's the Rothschild conspiracy theory. This is so old it makes the Rothschild family laugh it right up. Whilst they may be an influence in the past, that has long since died off. They certainly don't own the Federal Reserve. That is owned by the United States Government. All similar banks across the western world are owned by their own government.
So JB is a man of dubious morals at best. At worst, he has no morals at all and is in no position to run for public office.
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