Saturday, June 21, 2014

Ask John Best Junior to Tell the Truth About Thimerosal

JB's at it again, making an enemy out of another group who won't go to his lengths to "get the truth out". Just want to say that I agree with Phil Gluyas calling the APRC (Autism Policy Reform Coalition) an Autistic Enemy. Hell, look who's a part of it!

National Autism Association (NAA)
Generation Rescue
Talk About Curing Autism (TACA)
Autism is Medical (AIM)
D.A.I.R. Foundation (Defending Academic Integrity and Research)
Thinking Moms Revolution (TMR)

Some of the biggest dumbass groups in America! And yet even they know a total loony when they see one in JB!

Tell the real truth, JB, for once in your damn life! The truth that thimerosal doesn't cause Autism, it never has and it never ever will! Everyone who reads this, tell him that! And keep going in numbers for one reason - it's the TRUTH!

More Propaganda from John Best Junior

JB's idea of Autism Awareness is bunk. All he did back in April was reprise what he said in March condensed to one paragraph. We didn't learn how to cure Autism 14 years ago! There isn't a freaking cure! That's what you won't admit, JB!

The propaganda merchant runs wild again......

How John Best Junior Will Murder Babies

Had to stay offline to deal with family issues as my brother's boy (who is low functioning Autistic) was having big problems and it took the whole family to sort through it.

Back in March, JB had one of his usual tantrums about Congress harming babies. Now he's stooped to calling it a war against babies! JB asked if anyone thinks he's insane for making that statement, and that's easy. YOU DAMN BET HE'S INSANE! Vaccines are safe and to say anything different is a true act of psychopathy!

JB went on again about his usual belief in thimerosal and how it turns all babies into "Autistic Zombies" (after all the family issues I'll tell you this really made me mad!) and even claimed that Dan Burton had proven him right, and yet Congress decided to ignore him. Burton didn't prove anything except that he is a loony like you, JB! Ignoring the fact of course that thimerosal has been removed from all vaccines except one of the flu vaccines!

I've got an idea, JB. If you think the US notes are counterfeit, how about you reject them outright?

I can't say anything else, because not only is this making me mad - Phil Gluyas buried JB in his reply to this;

I knew he wasn't calling it a day as the previous entry insinuated. He's too stubborn. So he goes back to the beginning to try and start all over again with the same rhetoric thinking that he'll get a brand new audience. Uh uh! His name is already mud thanks to several notches in his reputation belt - the strongest of which is my successful lawsuit against him. It doesn't matter in the finish if I get any money out of it or not. It's in legal precedent that Best is a proven defamer. So he will never be believed.


JB, you are a baby murderer because you oppose vaccines.