JB's at it again, making an enemy out of another group who won't go to his lengths to "get the truth out". Just want to say that I agree with Phil Gluyas calling the APRC (Autism Policy Reform Coalition) an Autistic Enemy. Hell, look who's a part of it!
National Autism Association (NAA)
Generation Rescue
Talk About Curing Autism (TACA)
Autism is Medical (AIM)
D.A.I.R. Foundation (Defending Academic Integrity and Research)
Thinking Moms Revolution (TMR)
Some of the biggest dumbass groups in America! And yet even they know a total loony when they see one in JB!
Tell the real truth, JB, for once in your damn life! The truth that thimerosal doesn't cause Autism, it never has and it never ever will! Everyone who reads this, tell him that! And keep going in numbers for one reason - it's the TRUTH!
Beasty Boy wouldn't know the truth if it smacked him in the gob!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think of this organisation?
I don't think much of them myself. Very idealistic and have a limited view on the scope of psychiatry. It is not just about using medication. True psychiatry goes a lot wider.