In the wake of Super Storm Sandy, snow is already falling in Virginia. In early November. When the weather conditions take an unusual turn like that, illness can be a threat. This is why the flu vaccine in particular is important.
In the last post I showed you all JB's car. It says a lot about his attitude towards the flu. He wants the flu to hang around like a bad nickel. He isn't afraid of it. And yet he forgets that this same disease killed between 20 and 50 million people world wide between 1918 and 1920. It infected 500 million people which at the time was over a quarter of the world's population!
So why is JB treating the disease with such contempt? It damn well kills! He doesn't care about that, so I guess that means he'd rather children die than have Autism. Well JB can go to hell for that sort of thinking. He needs to stop accusing the flu vaccine of any wrong doing, clean up his car and support the control of the flu through vaccinations.
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