Friday, July 26, 2013

More Lies from John Best Junior

What the hell has the Stones got to do with Autism??

Lucifer is represented by JB. There are no leaders of the Autism Community. It's a community. The "leaders" are the Autistics themselves as the individuals they all are. JB's son Sam is his father's leader, and JB isn't following orders. With his history in the military you'd think he'd know to take orders from his superiors hey?


  1. Check this out

  2. Mercola? The biggest pile of horse crap on the Internet? Do me a favor, Anon, and get a real education.

  3. Well said, Matt! In spades!

  4. Second biggest pile, Matt. The biggest is Gopher Breath's blog!

  5. How dare you! Mercola is absolutely right and you should listen to him! He's a hero!

  6. He is NOT a hero! He's a proven quack who has no idea what he's talking about!

  7. Ruby it would be prudent if you would not call on alternative medicine to deal with an issue based in psychology. This is why Mercola is incorrect.

  8. Is that all you've got, Witchy-Poo? Come on, actually make some flaming sense!

  9. As if people like that make sense, Scratcher!

    Right on, Wally!

  10. Is that all YOU'VE got, Scratcher?? How about learning sense? Alternative medicine is the way of the future because it's not harmed by the financial interests of the pharmaceutical companies! That way the truth comes out and we can get down to business getting rid of Autism and saving the human race from harm.

  11. Clearly, Ruby's never heard of "Big Biomed", or the giant "organic food" companies owned by venture capitalists.
