Saturday, February 18, 2017

John Best Junior to be Chief of Lying to Public

Donald Trump is a threat to the security of the United States on many fronts, and that's why I would suggest he appoint JB as CoLtP. He's as good at it as Trump!

After repeating the video from December with a different title in another entry that I won't bother with, JB calls the new appointee to the Supreme Court a domestic enemy? What the hell? The British Crown has had nothing to do with us since 1776 you jackass! Redo your freaking American history! YOU are the domestic enemy, lying to the public about attorneys, Bar Associations and yet again The Fed! There are not 535 criminals in Congress! There's one confirmed criminal in Londonderry, New Hampshire!

Hey Donald! (I won't call him President because I voted for Hillary) Appoint this jerk as your press secretary! He'll quickly take over as the target of the Comedy Channel and divert all the attention from you as he continues to lie and decieve the public.

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