Saturday, March 28, 2020

John Best Junior, Somebody Cure This Retard

It's been awhile since I've posted anything here as I've been busy with my family, but a bunch of videos were brought to my attention on JB's You Tube channel. They aren't related to autism but I simply have to call this jackass out on his dumbass insistence that the Coronavirus is a HOAX! That's what he said! It's a HOAX!

He's had two videos removed. That still leaves six of them. Here are the remaining titles;

A Pandemic of Stupidity
Take Vitamin D, Prevent Coronavirus
YouTube Spits On First Amendment To Abet "Pandemic"
Macarena Corona (Acapella)
Use the Stimulus Checks to Bribe Congress
YouTube Repeals Declaration of Independence.

I put the following comment on the last one.

"You Tube did nothing by themselves you freaking dumbass! They were told to delete it by the FBI because of a report made to them about your threat to the people, lying about the Coronavirus. It's real, damn you! There are over 120,000 case in the US, including 2,000 dead from it! You don't understand what the Declaration of Independence really is, and I demand my right to the First Amendment to say that! If you delete this comment I'll know you're a freaking HYPOCRITE!"

The Macarena effort was insulting to the families of those who have died, and Vitamin D idea is just so freaking stupid!

You are a retard, JB, and you need to be cured of it. For the sake of everyone in Londonderry, New Hampshire and the rest of the county whichever it is!