Monday, December 31, 2012

John Best Junior Bets On A Three-Legged Horse

It's obvious over the course of this month that John is placing everything on his assumption that chelation is the solution to all the world's problems with Autism, and even some that aren't.

Mental Health has been focused on in the wake of Adam Lanza's actions, as it should be. We need to be more vigilant with all mental health problems and treat them with respect. This is what John Best is getting wrong.

John sees the world through smokey glasses. Out of focus, clouded and missing pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that is humanity. But instead of removing those glasses to give him the horse's fourth leg so it can run the race it is trained to do, he expects the three legged horse to be able to run and not only keep up but actually win against the fully active and trained opposition.

This isn't the Special Olympics, John. This isn't a handicapped horse race either. This is the human race, and you are fifty furlongs behind the pack and you need to catch up for the sake of your son and indeed your daughter who will have to look after him when you die. God, I hope she is seeing you for what you are!

If anyone wants to tell John what they think of him and keep their IP's to themselves, here you go!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Is John Best Junior the Next Adam Lanza?

New Hampshire should take measures now that might ward off horror similar to what happened in Newtown, Connecticut. A crazed person named John Best Junior is on the loose in Londonderry and we just don't know what might set him off again.

John has a violent history of attacking co-workers and has taught his Autistic son to fight in the same way. He was dishonorably discharged from the military and at the time, John was allegedly determined to have a personality disorder. Now though, that diagnosis has been upgraded to Asperger's. So, some authority who made that diagnosis failed to recognize how insane John is and they still allow him to walk the streets of Londonderry.

Authorities in Connecticut made a costly mistake by allowing Adam Lanza on the loose. They knew he was crazy enough to be on psycho medication but they could not predict the explosion that happened. John Best Junior has been known to have had some trouble with young boys and is also known to lust after teenage girls even though he is alleged to be married. He stalks and abuses autistic people on the internet and publishes vicious lies about parents of autistic children and politicians.

I have advised New Hampshire authorities to put John in the looney bin and treat him but, so far, they have not paid any attention to my warnings. For the sake of sane and decent people in Londonderry who could become victims if John goes berserk again, I suggest that New Hampshire doctors grab John and force him to try to accept his Asperger's now. We can't prevent all of the lunatics from killing innocent civilians but, in this case, I think we should exercise much caution.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

John Best Junior Responsible for Murdered Kids in Connecticut

The misrepresentations of Autism by John Best Junior have claimed another victim. Well, 26 of them. The 20 kids and 6 teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

Whilst it's not certain and it never will be that Adam Lanza was Autistic with Asperger's Syndrome, John's attempt to shift the blame from Lanza to his condition (whatever it is) gets right in the way of understanding mental health conditions in general. A short while ago I saw an entry on this issue from the far saner Phil Gluyas who observed that Lanza was in fact diagnosed with a personality disorder and not specifically Asperger's. A PD could be almost anything, including conditions not on the Autistic Spectrum.

But John doesn't care. He's trying to numb the responsibility for this tragedy that should be laid in the tombstone of Adam Lanza, and only Adam Lanza. No one else (his mother or father) and nothing else (his personality disorder, or even if it was undiagnosed, his Asperger's). He pulled the triggers of the guns multiple times. His condition didn't do that. He did.

By pushing that responsibility away from Lanza and towards a condition that was not confirmed to be even involved is in effect supporting the murderous act. That is an act of being an accessory after the fact, shifting the blame to parties who could not have stopped this from happening. John may just as well have pulled the triggers himself. He is just as insane as Adam Lanza and should be taken into custody.

Friday, December 7, 2012

John Best Junior Spits On First Amendment

Freedom of Speech.

It's a basic right for all citizens of the United States to be able to express their thoughts on whatever we like.

But on JB's Autism Fraud blog, there is no Freedom of Speech. Any comment made that is contrary to his view isn't allowed. He won't permit anyone to criticize his views on his blog. He won't be told he is wrong and he won't prove how he is right in any direct way. He plays the ignorant upper crust slug very badly.

By doing this, he proves himself to be no better than those he criticizes. This is just typical of JB. He is unable to see the wood for the trees such is his obsession with curing his son. Time to take the blinkers off I think, and start being accountable for what he says. If he really wants to be elected President in 2016 that is!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Why We Should Euthanize John Best Junior

Many people frown on euthanasia. One should be allowed to live for as long as possible no matter what.

And yet when an animal is in pain, we take the opposite attitude.

I think JB is in pain. I saw a video awhile ago that made the point that John has rotting teeth. That has to be painful. He is also in pain over his son being Autistic. It's an explanation for his unbridled hostility towards Autism. There's only one way to put him out of his misery. He'll never see his son as what he wants and he can't take it.

I could also take the other option, and describe JB as an animal. The kindest thing to do is put the animal down.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

John Best Junior Condemns Autistic Children to Life In Prison

As it stands today, I hold grave fears for the safety of JB's Autistic son. He is imprisoning the boy.

I saw on his Hating Autism blog that he opposes ABA, calling it "useless". He tries to qualify that by claiming that once the mercury that causes Autism (JB's words, not mine) is removed, the person's behavior snaps back to "normal" like being woken up from some drunken stupor.

I guess John is trying to say that ABA isn't a cure. Well it's not. That's true and it's not intended to be. ABA stands for Applied BEHAVIORAL Analysis. Capitals mine - BEHAVIORAL. It's a method designed to improve behavior in Autistics and only that. How could JB possibly call that "useless"?

Now I'm not naive enough to think that all ABA is okay. Phil Gluyas has done an excellent article showing that there is more than one version of the process. The aversive version is the one to avoid. The non aversive version is the process to use. Bad behaviors (and Autistics do have them) do need to be stopped. John, as far as I know, is doing nothing about that. He thinks that cure will do the complete job and he is wrong.

By taking that stand, he is condemning his own son to prison in effect. By trying to attack others on the subject he is doing his part to condemn others.

Friday, November 2, 2012

John Best Junior Will Murder More Children

In the wake of Super Storm Sandy, snow is already falling in Virginia. In early November. When the weather conditions take an unusual turn like that, illness can be a threat. This is why the flu vaccine in particular is important.

In the last post I showed you all JB's car. It says a lot about his attitude towards the flu. He wants the flu to hang around like a bad nickel. He isn't afraid of it. And yet he forgets that this same disease killed between 20 and 50 million people world wide between 1918 and 1920. It infected 500 million people which at the time was over a quarter of the world's population!

So why is JB treating the disease with such contempt? It damn well kills! He doesn't care about that, so I guess that means he'd rather children die than have Autism. Well JB can go to hell for that sort of thinking. He needs to stop accusing the flu vaccine of any wrong doing, clean up his car and support the control of the flu through vaccinations.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

John Best Junior Supports Killing Most of the World

It's fairly well known that the Flu can be a killer disease when it's not looked after correctly. This is why flu vaccines were invented, in particular to the most vulnerable in the community.

But JB decided awhile ago to paint the side of his car with the slogan "Flu Vaccines Cause Autism".

He's trying to cause a panic with that lie, and if enough people listen we will have a flu epidemic on our hands and most of the world would end up perishing.

That car should be impounded and sent to the crushers, and JB should be told to stop lying about the flu vaccines.

Friday, October 5, 2012

John Best Junior, Dubious Morals

So John Best Junior is seeking to be the President of the United States. He wants you to write him in, which is allowed.

But if he really wants to be President, he's going to have to be a whole lot more serious about promotion than he has been. Relying totally on the Internet is just plain dumb.

But to be a good president, you have to have a good set of morals. You don't have to be perfect of course (ask President Nixon). As long as you are essentially a good person. This is a test that JB fails.

A key plank of JB's platform is "Free Homes for All". Phil Gluyas has done a commentary on this on his website and he says;

"So who would pay to build them, idiot? A home is not a right. It's a privilege only available to those who work for it. That's always been the way and it always will be."

In order to pay for this platform, JB would have to raise taxes and raise them by loads. But he won't say that now will he?

Another key plank is "Take control of all media". Phil rightly identifies this as Soviet policy, and combined with the rise in taxes this would make JB something of a communist even though taxes aren't a part of such a doctrine. A similar thought pattern would arise from the policy of "Ban all corporations". Phil asks who would employ people then, and I answer that there could only be one employer. The government. That again is Soviet policy.

Then of course there's the Rothschild conspiracy theory. This is so old it makes the Rothschild family laugh it right up. Whilst they may be an influence in the past, that has long since died off. They certainly don't own the Federal Reserve. That is owned by the United States Government. All similar banks across the western world are owned by their own government.

So JB is a man of dubious morals at best. At worst, he has no morals at all and is in no position to run for public office.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tell John Best Junior to Tell the Truth

Here's the truth about Autism.

It's held to be genetic in origin. It is not caused by vaccines. It is not caused by thimerosal. It is not caused by any form of mercury. It is not mercury poisoning.

Autism is a developmental issue. It's officially called a disorder. That order can be restored, but not through chelation. There are so many different treatments that work for some and not others, and vice versa.

I call on everyone to tell JB to tell the truth. There's a little trick that someone called Truthmeister has been using to avoid being seen by any statistical engine to identify you, and all you have to do is click on this link;
Or this one;

Use both to tell JB to tell the truth. Tell him to stop lying about Autism.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

John Best Junior's Fraud Exposed

An act of fraud is committed when a person lies to gain an advantage.

John Best Junior, under this definition, is a habitual fraudster and con man. Using the studies of proven hacks like Andrew Cutler, Mark Geier, Richard Deth and Boyd Haley only furthers this fraud. Geier has already been struck off a number of state listings for practising medicine via the usage of Lupron to cure Autism. He, Deth and Haley were all discredited in the US Court system (according to Phil Gluyas - who I would believe ahead of JB any day of the week) by Judge Stuart Berger.

And yet he continues with his fraudulent behavior. Anybody who provides any science refuting the claims of Cutler etc is seen by JB as a paid mouthpiece for the vaccine manufacturers. John doesn't even believe that all vaccines are available without thimerosal, including the flu vaccine.

So what advantage is being gained?

See my previous entry. John is lying because if he told the truth he would be arrested for child neglect. He is lying to avoid prison time.

John might believe all this guff he is spouting. It makes him an outcast, a rodent bent on wasting time gnawing at something he can not change. Yet he keeps on trying. He should be a lemming. It would make no difference. His belief is no different to those who believe the Earth is flat. His belief does not translate into truth and his views will never be taken on by the greater populus. Why? Because we know a fraud when we see one.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Arrest John Best Junior

It is well known throughout the Autism family across America and in other countries like the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia that John Best Junior is a criminal.

It might not be a criminal act to abuse government officials. That doesn't tell even one percent of the real story behind this inhuman germ. He is a violent ingrate who was dishonorably discharged from the Air Force and never even married until he was around 40 years old. No woman wanted anything to do with this male chauvenist pig. It's inconceivable that he found someone gullible enough to fall for him. He has issued a number of threats over the years, statements that are not protected speech as much as he may think otherwise. Victims of his threats include Amanda Baggs, Ari Ne'eman, Frank Klein, Kevin Leitch, Michelle Dawson and Alex Plank.

He has libelled an even larger number of people, not the least of which has been New Hampshire Governor John Lynch, former NH Attorney General Kelly Ayotte, current NH Attorney General Michael Delaney, Ovide Lamontagne (Lynch's next opponent for the position of Governor), and even past US President George W Bush and current President Barack Obama. And that's just those who are protected as they are in public office.

But his greatest crime has been committed against his own son, Sam.

Phil Gluyas exposed this on his website, informing the world via JB's own words that Sam had been left in a pained state for between four and seven years with severe intestinal issues. He alleges that John never pursued the problem specifically, blaming the issue on Autism and nothing else. Phil alleges that the chelation that John started when Sam was 8 years old helped because Sam's intestines were heavy metal poisoned, and backs it up with his own experience with intestinal issues albeit from a different source.

John's refusal to admit this and acknowledge that he fouled up big time is a disgusting indictment on his attitude towards Autism. He continues to this day to insist that the improvement came because Sam's brain was mercury poisoned. He continues to insist that thimerosal is a major contributor and the same applies to dental amalgams. Both of these assertions have been scientifically disproven, and all JB can do is claim that the writer of each study has been paid off by the pharmaceutical companies.

Phil contacted welfare services a number of years ago for no result. Maxim Healthcare tried something similar in 2010 via DCF. John has got away with his lies about the situation thus far. I call on the New Hampshire State Police to stop dilly dallying and arrest JB for child neglect.