Monday, January 7, 2013

A Case Study in Autism Propaganda

On the Phil's World forum I have found out about John's activities on Facebook. This is the latest attempt by John to spread his propaganda about the origins of Autism, propaganda that is being identified as hate speech shown by 300 likes of a page created to oppose John's (and any others of the same or similar ilk), and almost 700 supporters of a petition that Phil started to encourage Facebook to delete John's page and ban him.

Now I'm not on Facebook, but I've been shown the pages by a family member. He now has five pages.

*Cure Aspergers, Save Children from Ari Ne'eman
*The Truth About Autism
*You work for me, Obama
*Sen Jeanette Shaheen's Conscience, NH
*Sen Kelly Ayotte's Conscience, NH

On the first page he accuses Ari of destroying Autistic children without a scrap of evidence. Pharma doesn't cause Autism. Nature does. And of course there is no cure. He also claims to have tried to talk sense to many with Asperger's Syndrome for years, and maybe he has tried. But his success rate has been minimal as I only know of one success. A little lying dweeb called Oliver Canby. Adam Lanza wasn't Autistic, so Ari shouldn't even be mentioned.

On the second page he makes his usual claim about mercury and in particular thimerosal. Asperger's is Autism as the rest of the world should know. JB is limiting the field intentionally to try and ignore the evidence of the long existence of the Autistic Spectrum. He tries to back this up by throwing ASAN to the kerb. He also claims that this second page is an educational page. It's not. It's a hateful lie filled page that should be deleted.

The third page has more to do with JB's hate of Washington, as do the fourth and the fifth. Sane people know that the Rothschild family theory is trash, and as far as the bankers go I agree with Phil Gluyas. Regulation is the answer, and they've done that in Australia according to an entry Phil wrote on his Hating Autism Reply Blog last November. Apparently it works as well. JB's claim that politicians work for us is hard to understand. I can only presume it came from something he learned wrong while he was part of our Defence Corp.

JB accuses those of us who oppose a cure to be Pharma shills and propaganda merchants. No, it's JB who is the propaganda merchant. I know when the trial is for Phil's case against him, but I'm staying silent on it. Phil is confident that he has him, and I hope that JB's blogs and indeed his Facebook presence is on borrowed time.

1 comment:

  1. He's added another one, called No More Bankers. He is clearly an extremist socialist. That's treason.
