Saturday, February 23, 2013

John Best Junior on Moral Courage

Just when you think you've seen it all from JB, he goes and says something else that makes you wonder if he's all there!

Last month in Australia, Phil Gluyas exposed JB as something we already knew. A liar and a defamer. A competent court, the highest court in the State of Victoria, Australia, found JB guilty of defamation.

In reply to this news, John decided to claim that Phil had lost - all because Phil didn't get an injunction ordering JB's blogs to be taken down. But according to Phil and his Australian based friends Google have blocked the defamatory content from being seen in Australia. That's telling to begin with. When Phil's enemies, namely Ruby and The Informer, told him of this, he wasn't worried. He still thinks the decision is fake for God's sake! The website AustLii, which JB has been linked to and he has quoted it, is the official repository for court decisions in Australia. There are no fakes there.

But JB's courage level was well and truly exposed when he claimed that he hasn't been notified by the court directly! I called him out on it;

JB, I thought you weren't going to have anything to do with the court? Why now are you expecting to hear from them, because you won't! That's because you said when this first started that you wouldn't get involved. So make up your mind, you jackass! Phil won, Australia can't see your blog on him now and if he gets the decision recognized here in the US you're scuppered, Baldy!

And JB modded me out! Moral courage = Donut! Well I've put it here. John has no courage, that's as plain as the lack of grass in the Sahara.


  1. Phil, You should stop using aliases and write under your own name.

  2. You're damn nuts, Gopher Breath! Matt lives in Shelby, Idaho, for God's sakes! You just don't get how many people know the truth about you! Time to pay up, sidewinder!

  3. Shelby, Montana, Tex, not Idaho.

    JB, you just proved you're a jackass with no moral courage with your comment. I'm not Phil and you can't prove that I am and you know you can't. The more you spew horse shit the better. You're just digging yourself deeper and deeper.

  4. Do you and Jenny McCarthy share a brain, BEASTY BOY?? You flaming dip!

  5. Foresam it might be best if you just stayed silent. The more you speak the more stupid you look. Just some friendly advice.

  6. Friendly advice doesn't work with JB, Tegan. He's a jackass!

    Scratcher, I've got an even better share option in my new entry.
