Saturday, March 2, 2013

John Best Junior, Lying Scumbag

Last week I laughed when JB came here and accused me of being Phil Gluyas. This is nothing new. JB has accused others of being Phil in the past, including his forum friends such as Tex and Scratcher amongst others. For JB, it's beyond him to understand or accept that Phil has friends.

According to that decision that Phil got against JB, it's not needed to defend yourself in a defamation suit. It's up to the defendant to prove his statements to be true. JB didn't do that, even though he claims that he did. American law requires the plaintiff to prove the defendant wrong, and despite not needing to Phil did that anyway. That's what the decision says.

But what I am going to do is prove John wrong under American law. I will defend myself.

My name is Matt Hogan. Not Matthew. Matt. That's my birth name. I was born in Boise, Idaho, on 21 March, 1980 and I now live in Shelby, Montana. My family is all here, including my only sibling, my brother Ken. He has two children, a son and a daughter and the son has low functioning Autism. I also have a son who in May will also be classified as Autistic. Right now he is diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome.

John has forgotten that I have been around for some time. I have posted comments on Hating Autism after first creating my account in June 2008, and I saw one of the many debates between John and Phil. I went to Phil's website at a time when I was still filling in the blanks on my own understanding of Autism and he filled them far better than John ever could. I became a member of Phil's forum in April 2010, and I am presently a D member. I was a C member at one point but I rightly got into trouble for making a public comment about something that shouldn't have been mentioned.

Since early 2010, I have been using special links to access comments. A lot of Phil's friends do this, so that we can avoid John's Stat Counter as well as anyone else's. It was Phil who taught me how to do it. There is one blog that it can't be done to, and that's JB's Phil Gluyas 5 blog. That's why I haven't commented on it because I don't want John to know who my provider is.

I started this blog when I realized that not enough people were exposing JB on Blogspot, and making use of the tagging that is available. Phil was doing a great job until he deleted his Blogspot blogs in late 2010. I can understand why he did it, and he has preserved his blogs on his website. However unless you're one of his friends you can't see them at the moment thanks to Oliver Canby's stalking. As the objections were drying up, I decided to take Phil's place on Blogspot.

So John is wrong. I am a real person with a real family and real friends, including Phil. I think John is no longer capable of telling the truth. That blog run by Anthony Lupson is a treasure and adds to the blogosphere against JB showing that he is a lying scumbag. Of course, the real telling factor on John's love of lying is the decision made by the Supreme Court of Victoria, Australia. I know Phil is working towards getting it recognized in America and I hope he can do it. He's confident he can and from what I've read about it on his forum I agree. Once it is recognized, John will be legally known as a lying scumbag, not just morally, and shares his brain with Benedict Arnold.

That concludes the evidence......

1 comment:

  1. I don't need to hear the defence. Case proven.

    But of course Gopher Breath will say it's fake again, right? "I didn't do nuttin, I didn't do nuttin, like I said I didn't do nuttin"
