Saturday, November 9, 2013

Treason by John Best Junior, Recognizing Domestic Enemies

JB's at it again, running his mouth about domestic enemies when he's the domestic enemy! And now it's not only bankers in his sights he's after lawyers as well! Hey I wonder if that attorney that Phil has lined up got in touch with JB?

But I didn't know much about this "original 13th amendment". I was about to Google it when I saw that Phil had already done the work needed on his blog about JB. Phil pointed out that the original amendment didn't ban lawyers from running for Congress. It only banned the English aristocracy or anyone else with a title of similar ilk (King, Prince, Lord et al). He also pointed out that not enough states ratified the amendment. Seems that some think that it only needed 13 states at the time. Phil worked out that when the 13th state signed, the total number of states was 21 and at least 16 was needed to ratify it then. Of course now we need a total of 38 states to ratify it. And why would we? Phil said that the amendment was designed to keep the English nobility that had settled in America from undermining our freedom by stealth. Relevant in 1810. Not relevant now or in the future.

Lawyers are what keep the Constitution intact, and make good laws within that.

JB also went onto the military again, and Phil was on the ball again accusing JB of calling for a military coup! Damn straight that's what he's doing and it's treason!! That oath he's talking about is probably the one that he took and he is translating it wrong. The rumor is that JB was dishonorably discharged from the service, and this load of horse manure he's typing is proof I think!

Phil said he has reported JB to the FBI for violating the Patriot Act. They will probably ignore him thinking that he's harmless to national security. Maybe, but one thing he is not is sane! I hope someone takes this up, and maybe if Phil's attorney does the courts in New Hampshire can show JB what it's like to abuse the Bar!

Friday, July 26, 2013

More Lies from John Best Junior

What the hell has the Stones got to do with Autism??

Lucifer is represented by JB. There are no leaders of the Autism Community. It's a community. The "leaders" are the Autistics themselves as the individuals they all are. JB's son Sam is his father's leader, and JB isn't following orders. With his history in the military you'd think he'd know to take orders from his superiors hey?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

John Best Junior, Useless and Dangerous to Babies

JB's done it again. He's trying to attack a politician and as always he's getting it wrong.

Poor Carol Shea-Porter, having to look over JB's spray about HR 1757. That filthy piece of trash will be voted down.

The IOM inquiry wasn't fraudulent. JB just assumes that it is because it goes against what he thinks. They are independent of the CDC and JB can't prove anything different. It's on the public record thanks to Phil Gluyas that chelation cured Sam of heavy metal poisoning in his gut and it took him seven years to get around to doing it.

So, JB, you are useless. You are dangerous to babies. Please get your moronic head out of your ass and do the right thing, and admit that you've got it all wrong and have done since you first discovered chelation and thought that it cured Autism. It doesn't, it never has and it never will.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

John Best Junior, Autistic Abusing Maggot

Over the last week or so JB has added two entries to Hating Autism about Amanda Baggs. Amanda's been having problems getting treated for a serious stomach ailment, and how dare John claim that they should just let her die by imputation??

This just goes to show how much of an asshole JB is. If this is the way he treats an adult Autistic, how in the hell could he look after a child with Autism like his son?

Amanda is Autistic. She's been diagnosed and no one has a right to question it, least of all JB.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

John Best Junior, Lying Scumbag

Last week I laughed when JB came here and accused me of being Phil Gluyas. This is nothing new. JB has accused others of being Phil in the past, including his forum friends such as Tex and Scratcher amongst others. For JB, it's beyond him to understand or accept that Phil has friends.

According to that decision that Phil got against JB, it's not needed to defend yourself in a defamation suit. It's up to the defendant to prove his statements to be true. JB didn't do that, even though he claims that he did. American law requires the plaintiff to prove the defendant wrong, and despite not needing to Phil did that anyway. That's what the decision says.

But what I am going to do is prove John wrong under American law. I will defend myself.

My name is Matt Hogan. Not Matthew. Matt. That's my birth name. I was born in Boise, Idaho, on 21 March, 1980 and I now live in Shelby, Montana. My family is all here, including my only sibling, my brother Ken. He has two children, a son and a daughter and the son has low functioning Autism. I also have a son who in May will also be classified as Autistic. Right now he is diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome.

John has forgotten that I have been around for some time. I have posted comments on Hating Autism after first creating my account in June 2008, and I saw one of the many debates between John and Phil. I went to Phil's website at a time when I was still filling in the blanks on my own understanding of Autism and he filled them far better than John ever could. I became a member of Phil's forum in April 2010, and I am presently a D member. I was a C member at one point but I rightly got into trouble for making a public comment about something that shouldn't have been mentioned.

Since early 2010, I have been using special links to access comments. A lot of Phil's friends do this, so that we can avoid John's Stat Counter as well as anyone else's. It was Phil who taught me how to do it. There is one blog that it can't be done to, and that's JB's Phil Gluyas 5 blog. That's why I haven't commented on it because I don't want John to know who my provider is.

I started this blog when I realized that not enough people were exposing JB on Blogspot, and making use of the tagging that is available. Phil was doing a great job until he deleted his Blogspot blogs in late 2010. I can understand why he did it, and he has preserved his blogs on his website. However unless you're one of his friends you can't see them at the moment thanks to Oliver Canby's stalking. As the objections were drying up, I decided to take Phil's place on Blogspot.

So John is wrong. I am a real person with a real family and real friends, including Phil. I think John is no longer capable of telling the truth. That blog run by Anthony Lupson is a treasure and adds to the blogosphere against JB showing that he is a lying scumbag. Of course, the real telling factor on John's love of lying is the decision made by the Supreme Court of Victoria, Australia. I know Phil is working towards getting it recognized in America and I hope he can do it. He's confident he can and from what I've read about it on his forum I agree. Once it is recognized, John will be legally known as a lying scumbag, not just morally, and shares his brain with Benedict Arnold.

That concludes the evidence......

Saturday, February 23, 2013

John Best Junior on Moral Courage

Just when you think you've seen it all from JB, he goes and says something else that makes you wonder if he's all there!

Last month in Australia, Phil Gluyas exposed JB as something we already knew. A liar and a defamer. A competent court, the highest court in the State of Victoria, Australia, found JB guilty of defamation.

In reply to this news, John decided to claim that Phil had lost - all because Phil didn't get an injunction ordering JB's blogs to be taken down. But according to Phil and his Australian based friends Google have blocked the defamatory content from being seen in Australia. That's telling to begin with. When Phil's enemies, namely Ruby and The Informer, told him of this, he wasn't worried. He still thinks the decision is fake for God's sake! The website AustLii, which JB has been linked to and he has quoted it, is the official repository for court decisions in Australia. There are no fakes there.

But JB's courage level was well and truly exposed when he claimed that he hasn't been notified by the court directly! I called him out on it;

JB, I thought you weren't going to have anything to do with the court? Why now are you expecting to hear from them, because you won't! That's because you said when this first started that you wouldn't get involved. So make up your mind, you jackass! Phil won, Australia can't see your blog on him now and if he gets the decision recognized here in the US you're scuppered, Baldy!

And JB modded me out! Moral courage = Donut! Well I've put it here. John has no courage, that's as plain as the lack of grass in the Sahara.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

John Best Junior, Please Wake Up!

I don't pay that much attention to JB's Autism Fraud blog because Anthony Lupson seems to have that covered. But I simply have to talk about JB's Facebook page "No More Bankers". In particular the reference to how Iceland got out of the hole. Context, John!

Iceland still have banks. The country couldn't run without them. What got Iceland into hot water from what I could tell was that they privatized the whole sector in one hit and threw open the doors to every man and his dog to start up there, completely without regulation. So of course when the Global Financial Crisis hit, the economy that had changed so much flopped. The freeloaders were rightly arrested. But (this is important, John) it was NOT all of them!

What Iceland did was nationalize the banks. Reverse the decision that was made to privatize. Privatization is a good thing but it has to be done right. Iceland did it wrong. The United States haven't done it wrong.

I started a discussion on the Phil's World forum about the fiscal cliff that we avoided at the start of 2013. Phil has already said on his own blog that Australia is a poster child for banking regulation, and the United States should follow that. Australia avoided the GFC and Phil thinks this is why. Without going into the details it looks like he might be right. Not all bankers are crooks. Sure, they are running profits that border on the ridiculous as do the perks for their executives - but all corporations do that. Even government does it in order to compete for the best people. How can you reverse that? Arrest ALL bankers according to JB. Nope, won't even scratch the surface of the problem.

JB added his own brand of context on Hating Autism, even believing that the banks are behind the resistance to that fake cure for Autism. I think that stands by itself as the breed of lunacy that JB represents.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

John Best Junior's Brainwashing Techniques, Will Cecilia Save Her Son?

I don't doubt that JB's Mom had nothing to do with his behavior. These poor attempts at some sort of brainwashing technique had to have come from his time in the military. I would like to think that there is some truth in that amusing story that Phil Gluyas reprinted from the Autism Speaks Community Network about JB being sent to military school at 15 after he tried to join the Black Panthers armed with white skin colored make up for their leader. Or something like that. Military school would have been the right place for him to learn brainwashing and take it out on a tangent like he has since he first created the Hating Autism blog in 2006.

I don't know how old Cecilia is, but I am assured that she is alive and well in Massachussetts. I just wonder if she can possibly talk some sense into her son even now. JB has already been brained well and truly by Phil and the Supreme Court of Victoria, Australia, and he has to pay Phil loads. Cecilia may be too old to handle Sam, but maybe JB's daughter is old enough to help now. And I wonder if JB has any siblings?

In order to help save her son, Cecilia would need to put her foot down about her grand kids. Then there's JB's wife Karen. Where does she fit into this? JB has to be placed into care to be cured of this brainwashing fetish and someone has to pick up the slack while he's gone. This will help save him. Will Cecilia do this? I hope so, for the sake of Karen, Sam and the daughter.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

John Best Junior, Neurotypical Nitwit


Phil Gluyas sued John Best for defamation and he was successful. So it is now written into legal precedent; John Best Junior is a nitwit. He is a liar. It's there in writing. He should not be listened to when it come to not just Phil, but the Autistic Community as a whole.

I loved what I read from Judge Kaye in the Supreme Court of Victoria. He tore John a new one. I've seen on the Phil's World forum than Phil is delighted and he is wasting no time getting the order that goes with this precedent registered in the United States. Will John appeal? I'll bet he won't and instead try to talk it down online and maybe even abuse Judge Kaye like he did Judge Berger all those years ago. He'd better do that on Autism Fraud because his other blogs will be gone!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Priceless! John Best Junior

We now know the reality of JB. All he wants to do with his life is play golf and nothing more!

He isn't interested in hard work to earn a living.

From his time in the military I would have expected him to learn discipline and the benefits of hard work. He's forgotten everything that he would have learned from this time in his life. He has not been specific on these "different tasks for money", and no one with any real sense would call seeking a cure for Autism to be useful!

JB's present lifestyle is his choice, and he is in the penalty box for it. He doesn't want to work. He just wants to play golf. In order to be able to play golf to your heart's content, John, you have to earn the privilege. You have not. You won't work for it. That is the way it has been since Christopher Columbus. To make things work the way you want them to requires hard work. There is no such thing as a free lunch as the saying goes.

There is never a better example of JB the jackass than this!

Monday, January 7, 2013

A Case Study in Autism Propaganda

On the Phil's World forum I have found out about John's activities on Facebook. This is the latest attempt by John to spread his propaganda about the origins of Autism, propaganda that is being identified as hate speech shown by 300 likes of a page created to oppose John's (and any others of the same or similar ilk), and almost 700 supporters of a petition that Phil started to encourage Facebook to delete John's page and ban him.

Now I'm not on Facebook, but I've been shown the pages by a family member. He now has five pages.

*Cure Aspergers, Save Children from Ari Ne'eman
*The Truth About Autism
*You work for me, Obama
*Sen Jeanette Shaheen's Conscience, NH
*Sen Kelly Ayotte's Conscience, NH

On the first page he accuses Ari of destroying Autistic children without a scrap of evidence. Pharma doesn't cause Autism. Nature does. And of course there is no cure. He also claims to have tried to talk sense to many with Asperger's Syndrome for years, and maybe he has tried. But his success rate has been minimal as I only know of one success. A little lying dweeb called Oliver Canby. Adam Lanza wasn't Autistic, so Ari shouldn't even be mentioned.

On the second page he makes his usual claim about mercury and in particular thimerosal. Asperger's is Autism as the rest of the world should know. JB is limiting the field intentionally to try and ignore the evidence of the long existence of the Autistic Spectrum. He tries to back this up by throwing ASAN to the kerb. He also claims that this second page is an educational page. It's not. It's a hateful lie filled page that should be deleted.

The third page has more to do with JB's hate of Washington, as do the fourth and the fifth. Sane people know that the Rothschild family theory is trash, and as far as the bankers go I agree with Phil Gluyas. Regulation is the answer, and they've done that in Australia according to an entry Phil wrote on his Hating Autism Reply Blog last November. Apparently it works as well. JB's claim that politicians work for us is hard to understand. I can only presume it came from something he learned wrong while he was part of our Defence Corp.

JB accuses those of us who oppose a cure to be Pharma shills and propaganda merchants. No, it's JB who is the propaganda merchant. I know when the trial is for Phil's case against him, but I'm staying silent on it. Phil is confident that he has him, and I hope that JB's blogs and indeed his Facebook presence is on borrowed time.